Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dead By Sunrise

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Don't worry my beloved die-hard fans, I aint gonna die anytime soon. Still got many 'things' I gotta do. Hehe.

Ok, bout this post, I'm not sure if you all have heard of this band, Dead By Sunrise. Well I just came to know that its actually Chester Bennington's side project from Linkin Park. I knew he was working on a solo album, but after that I dint hear any word. And he has actually launched the album and I dont think our beloved country, Malaysia has done any promotion. How come, with Chester's name, I'm sure many LP fans would go out there to get it.

I dint have high expentation for the songs in this album, but it has surprised me. There are a number of pretty catchy tunes. And its has a different tune from the LP songs. The songs here are a mixture of punk rock and LP. And some songs have guitar solos (woot). Something which none of LP song have. Chester is still his normal self, screaming his head off like there is no tomorrow.

I'm actually doing this album review because I think that many LP fans out there do not know bout this album. Its been prety quiet around here. I also came across this by chance. Ohya, some additional info, LP coming with their 4th studio album in 2010. Hope its not like their previous effort. Btw, this album is definitely better than LP's 3rd album.. =)

PS - I love you..
haha, nola..
PS - I dint get paid for doing this post, its just for sharing to everyone............. But if you're reading this Chester, I dont mind some commission. ahaha.. Okla, I'll leave you with a video of their 1st single -  Crawl Back In

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is Old Truly Gold?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Come to think of it, not all the old stuff are good. Take the 80-ties n 90-ties cartoons. Used to watch em' everyday, and even thought they were so cool.Well most of it are still way cool and it shaped my chilhood.. but with the miracle of youtube, i've been able to check them out again after a long time. And I'm pretty surprised, how in the world did some of these cartoon became such a hit. Haha..

First things first, the still awesome cartoons
1) Transformers

Optimus Prime is still as awesome as ever. Although it doesnt look as nice as cartoon these days, without this, there wouldnt be the big transformers hit movie. Actually I prefer the Beast Wars compared to the original version.

2) Ghostbusters

Still one of my all-time favorite cartoons. I wanna get the Ecto-1. haha. And I do hope they make a third movie, and dont screw it up. Its still nice to see them blasting ghosts with their proton pack. hehe

3) Thundercats

This is the one cartoon I dont wanna see made into a movie. It is not humanly possible to cast real actors as the Thundercats without making it look stupid. So lets keep as it is. And the intro music is still cool..

Now for the shows which i thought was cool back then, but not now. Ahaha

1) Power Rangers

Every episode is the same. Bad guy unleashes monster, Power Rangers come to rescue, big robot kills monsters. But we still end up watching it over and over again. Aigh. And I still fell that kimberly (pink ranger) is pretty. Had a crush on her last time. haha.

2) Super Human Samurai Syber Squad

Yea, i guess they dint know how to spell cyber back then. LOL.. I know this is pretty similar to Power Rangers, but the music is damn catchy wei. Now its stuck in my head. Ahhh..

3) He-Man

Saved the worst for last. How can the most powerful man on earth look so wrong??? Gay suit and hairstyle. OMG.. Its more like She-Man la.. XD

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Want To Believe

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Finally, this is it. Nooo... not the This Is It Michael Jackson movie, but this is it, my 1st movie review on my blog. I wont dwell too much into the movie but more on the topic. hehe. Lately I went and saw 'The Fourth Kind'. I dint even know bout this movie until I saw it was playing. And since it was about aliens, I had to see it. I have no idea why am I so fascinated by aliens, maybe I'm an alien.. haha

This movie is based on actual case studies and involves the theory of alien abduction. They cleverly use actual footage of their studies in this film. So you can see the acting version and the real video. And I have to warn you, the actual videos will scare the tuut out of you. Saw many people jump from their seats. Hehe..'

About this alien topic, I noticed that there are people who believe in aliens and people who totally rejects the idea. As for me, I don't really believe in aliens, but I like to keep an open mind. There are many 'what if' out there which are still unexplainable. So the truth is out there. 

Just some food for thought.. What if everything on earth is just an experiment by these aliens? We are all actually brought here and left on earth to live and see how do we change this planet. And since we have failed miserably by destroying Earth slowly, they might just come back here and put an end to their failed experiment.. Hence 2012 is coming..   haha.. If let me go on, I can come up with all kinds of theories and will sure bore you to death. So I'll stop here.. So what do you all think or believe?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

KTM Komuter

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Our 'beloved' KTM komuter has done it again. This time, instead of improving the service, they have gone literally back to the stone age. From now on, the previously every 20 minutes one train timetable (more like in 20 trains, only 1 comes on time) has now become every 15 minutes got 1 train. Ehh. wait. This is good right? More frequent train. But dont get to excited, its only 15 minutes during peek time, and 30 freaking minutes at normal time.

So far, its been utter crap what these KTM buggers are claiming. Taking the train from Klang now is every 30 minutes and the crowd is much worse than before. And check out the notice below explaining the new timetable.

Do we really enjoy taking komuter? Who in the sane piece of mind enjoys taking komuter? Is it some kinda thrill ride where we are looking forward to take everyday?

The service has now entered a new level. It has become from worst to worstest (i had to make this word up since there is no other word worse than worst.. ahaha)

On behalf of all passengers, this is how we feel.. LOL..