Sunday, December 23, 2018


Sunday, December 23, 2018
The time has come, for me to write my annual blog post, haha. Somehow manage to remember to update this blog at least once a year. 2018 was very mundane, nothing much happened or achieved. All I know, 2019 is going to be different. I have already have some plans and big risks which I'm planning to take. What is life if it's going to be routine? We are here to live life, so do the things which makes you happy. This is going to be my motto moving forward.

Notifications. We receive notifications now almost instantly. Our phones keep buzzing with notifications from FB, Instagram, Whatsapp, email, etc.. I used to remember feeling good previously seeing a notification on my phone or email stating someone posted on your wall, or wrote a testimonial on Friendster, haha. Those were the days where we were not constantly connected. Fast forward few years, now everyone can fly.. I mean everyone is connected constantly to the World Wide Web, 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Technology is great, now we can be in touch with someone half the world away via video calls, instant messaging or just sending a voice note. We have made the world border-less and have helped many relationships strive, expand business and enable people to get their voice heard. With all these benefits of being constantly connected, there is also a downside which people are yet to realise. It is disrupting our attention. Even while typing this, I have lost count of how many times I've checked my phone with all the notifications coming in. We used to be able to read books hours at one time, or even watch a movie being engrossed in it, you forget time passing by. Now do you realise, while you're doing these activities, you have sneaked in peeking at your phone when the notifications beeps? This is also a reason why the videos we tend to watch on FB and Youtube are all short in length. So much information is readily available on the web that we feel the need to get the most out of our time. So long videos gets less views because it has to be short and simple. Currently the best content creators compress their messages in short videos as it will make a bigger impact as it will be easily shared across social media. I have even noticed I stopped watching F1 for the past few years, and even watching football matches because it takes up 2 hours of my time. Instead there are the highlights available few minutes/hours later where I can see the important moments in just 5 minutes.

The reason for this post is I'm starting to realise, the notification on my phone is causing me to not enjoy the surroundings and current moments of my life, instead shifting my focus on the phone and replying/reading what ever messages which comes in. I'm sure others are also going through this and in time will realise its affecting their quality of life. Work is now also on Whatapp, creating Whatsapp groups for work related matters does make it easy to communicate and get work done fast, but I feel its being overused to beyond office hours. Bosses can see you have read the messages and if you don't reply on time, you're basically screwed. I understand if its for serious or urgent issues, but just normal work related matters can wait till you're back to work. If you are working 8-5, 5 days a week, do you really think that's your working time? Whatsapp is basically on your personal number and everyone knows about your whereabouts.

I've also seen young working parents spending their weekend/family time with your young kids but is constantly on their phones. Either busy typing or on a call instead of spending that uninterrupted time with your loved ones as those precious moments wont last forever and your kids needs your attention more. Give those kids your undivided attention, give your wife/husband the love and care which they need to keep up with life's challenges, and give that date of yours your full attention while you are getting to know them.

Moving into the new year, I do plan to mute those less important groups, put those ads from apps to sleep, switch on airplane mode my phone when I'm reading a book or watching a movie. Take back control of your life and be the best person you can be. In general basically don't let technology control you, you control technology. Peace out 2018