August 16th 2009, the day i graduated from UKM with my honours degree. And also one of the days I shall not forget in my life cause of everyone who was there to make it a very memorable day for me. I have already started to miss my UKM very much.. ( wah, emo so fast d..)
Well this is the picture of me getting my scroll from from the Pro-Chancellor. Feel so proud that my hard work for 3 years has finally paid of and I have obtained my degree..
(excuse the pinky looking robe k..)

After receiving the scroll, my fellow faculty mates and I walked down very proud and satisfied with ourselves. We are a graduate now. So after taking our seats again, we were anxious to see how our cert looks like. Well it pretty much looks like this..

Seriously WTF?? We studied for 3 years and this is what we get? A coupon to eat at Ayamas!!
Well, that was not really what happened, but the coupons were in the goodie bag for us.. But seriously, who eats in Ayamas these days? LOL..
bloody hillarious wei...
y is yr robe pink?hmmm...
pinky cause tats my faculty color. tak puas..
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