Wednesday, November 4, 2009

KTM Komuter

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Our 'beloved' KTM komuter has done it again. This time, instead of improving the service, they have gone literally back to the stone age. From now on, the previously every 20 minutes one train timetable (more like in 20 trains, only 1 comes on time) has now become every 15 minutes got 1 train. Ehh. wait. This is good right? More frequent train. But dont get to excited, its only 15 minutes during peek time, and 30 freaking minutes at normal time.

So far, its been utter crap what these KTM buggers are claiming. Taking the train from Klang now is every 30 minutes and the crowd is much worse than before. And check out the notice below explaining the new timetable.

Do we really enjoy taking komuter? Who in the sane piece of mind enjoys taking komuter? Is it some kinda thrill ride where we are looking forward to take everyday?

The service has now entered a new level. It has become from worst to worstest (i had to make this word up since there is no other word worse than worst.. ahaha)

On behalf of all passengers, this is how we feel.. LOL..