Friday, July 10, 2015


Friday, July 10, 2015
These days, when things are not going as planned, reboot. We can see that happening to movies which are old and don't appeal to the current crowd/generation. This approach can also be done in life, reboot yourself. Throw or flush away the things which was part of your life which does not have any positive impact to you now and start back new, fill it up with something more current. Living in the past does not move you forward, it will always be something which will be holding you back from truly experiencing life and living it to its fullest.

As for this year,  Jurassic World and Terminator Genisys were sort of a soft reboot, where they continued the story with new cast while keeping the nostalgic part/scenes which we still remember previously. This approach does work as that is what we are familiar with and seeing those scenes again, we tend to feel nostalgic and that immediately catches our attention for the movie.

Well I was talking about reboots because I just went through all my previous posts from my past 2 blogs and wow, recalled so many things which happened before that I complete forgot about. I also could see how I was thinking back then and how spontaneous I could type a blog post. For these past 2 years, it's been hard to come up with something interesting to blog about. I blame this mainly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you get it. With the improvement in technology, I realised that we tend to think much short term and our post become very short and to the point. Many bloggers I know also have all slowed down and mainly just come up with funny/interesting things to say on Twitter and Facebook. This is how the world is evolving, and I'm writing this post not to start back blogging or anything, I just realise that its nice to leave something imprinted here in the net where future me can see and remember how I was and my thoughts were at this moment in time.

I have to admit, since father passed, my life have been very much different. The first 2 years was coping and adjusting and then its been pretty stagnant and boring. Living each day as it comes, most days have been very routine and the next thing I know, a new year is upon us.  Easily 2 years have been like this without anything new/interesting happening in my life. I see my friends moving on in their lives and career and I am somehow just stuck and not moving. I have been trying to change but somehow things just don't work out. The only thing which has been the highlight for the past few years is I managed to save some money and travel few countries in South East Asia.

Now with lots more commitment under my belt, traveling wont be easy but its not impossible. For me, it's time to remember back the things which made me happy and the things I like to do and start doing things for myself. Time to find that ability I had to write short stories/articles which would make peoples day, make them happy, even for just a little bit. Looks like its time to hit that button and embrace any new challenge/opportunities life throws at me as I feel I am ready for a change. A reboot :)