Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is Old Truly Gold?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Come to think of it, not all the old stuff are good. Take the 80-ties n 90-ties cartoons. Used to watch em' everyday, and even thought they were so cool.Well most of it are still way cool and it shaped my chilhood.. but with the miracle of youtube, i've been able to check them out again after a long time. And I'm pretty surprised, how in the world did some of these cartoon became such a hit. Haha..

First things first, the still awesome cartoons
1) Transformers

Optimus Prime is still as awesome as ever. Although it doesnt look as nice as cartoon these days, without this, there wouldnt be the big transformers hit movie. Actually I prefer the Beast Wars compared to the original version.

2) Ghostbusters

Still one of my all-time favorite cartoons. I wanna get the Ecto-1. haha. And I do hope they make a third movie, and dont screw it up. Its still nice to see them blasting ghosts with their proton pack. hehe

3) Thundercats

This is the one cartoon I dont wanna see made into a movie. It is not humanly possible to cast real actors as the Thundercats without making it look stupid. So lets keep as it is. And the intro music is still cool..

Now for the shows which i thought was cool back then, but not now. Ahaha

1) Power Rangers

Every episode is the same. Bad guy unleashes monster, Power Rangers come to rescue, big robot kills monsters. But we still end up watching it over and over again. Aigh. And I still fell that kimberly (pink ranger) is pretty. Had a crush on her last time. haha.

2) Super Human Samurai Syber Squad

Yea, i guess they dint know how to spell cyber back then. LOL.. I know this is pretty similar to Power Rangers, but the music is damn catchy wei. Now its stuck in my head. Ahhh..

3) He-Man

Saved the worst for last. How can the most powerful man on earth look so wrong??? Gay suit and hairstyle. OMG.. Its more like She-Man la.. XD